Coast to Coast AM Officially Launches On Roundhouse Radio Monday at 10PM



Roundhouse Radio CEO Don Shafer told Puget Sound Radio,  George Noory’s Coast to Coast will be Officially Launched this coming Monday January 15th, 2018 at 10 PM on Roundhouse Radio 98.3. The Show will be ‘Live’ at 10PM.  For those outside the stations signal, tune into Roundhouse Radio’s website for their Live Stream.





  1. I suppose that a few people within range of RHRs signal will be thrilled. For the thousands of night shift workers that have no access to an internet connection at work , to bad so sad. This is the category I fit into and the only reason Im posting is that some brand new PSR followers should know the history of this momentous occasion. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong
    Bell owns the Canadian broadcast rights to Coast to Coast.
    When CKNWs contract expired Bell would not renew or NW cheaped out.
    Bell gave the show to RHR (which is a Bell station)
    NWs signal reached all of the lower mainland as far out as Chilliwack
    RHRs signal barely reaches the edges of Vancouver proper
    RHR will delay C2C on weekends (the one time shift workers might be home by a computer)
    No sir , this is nothing to get excited about.

  2. Sorry, livestreaming is just not the same as live radio. For starters, it isn’t “live”. The delay can vary from seconds to minutes. And then there are the inevitable dropouts, or stream restarts. I can’t pick up CFAX, but I can pick up KFBK and KGO. Go figure. Unfortunately, the noise level on both those California stations is unpredictable from night to night.

  3. And If I may a gigantic PS

    Is it true that C2C was the highest rated show in the CKNW line up? If this turns out to true what does that say about the content that NW puts on air? A pathetic state of affairs and the only real loser is the listener.

  4. As News Watcher notes, KGO 810 at night often comes in from San Francisco stronger than CFAX or even border stations.

    You can do worse than tune into a delayed airing of John Batchelor on KGO. Airing 10pm to 1am, the show tilts conservative but digs way deeper on issues du jour plus many that are overlooked by daytime righties.

    Five or six different topics often get covered each weeknight. Something of a space buff, Batchelor regularly chats with Robert Zimmerman (a Coast to Coast contributor) about NASA, private space-exploration firms and related topics.

    The delay doesn’t matter since Batchelor is not a call-in show. Get a decent AM antenna and give it a whirl.

    PS: KGO follows Batchelor with delayed Coast to Coast.

  5. I had been listening to about the last 20 min of C 2 C On my way to work early each day. I always either found something of interest or something to get a laugh out of.

    I hope thst for the sake of RHR Listeners and those former faithful C 2 C Fans that live a little further out of signal range the RHR Signal can be improved.

    This sounds like a great opportunity for Roundhouse to gain some Loyal Listeners.

    I am going to guess the Technology exists, now it is up to RHR to make it happen.

    Can anyone from Roundhouse Radio comment?

  6. YIKES!

    I just took a minute to take a quick look at the RHR Host Lineup.

    Jody Vance? WTF?

    I honestly cannot see Vance requiring a Signal that goes any further than her own Parents Basement.

    Talk about “Fake News”!

  7. Roundhouse recently let go a bunch of staff and cut weekend news. Hope it wasn’t a move to save some money to pay for a delayed broadcast of C 2 C. If they’re trying to drive people to their website to listen, wouldn’t they just got to C 2 C’s page?

  8. @BMCQ. RHR has a few alumni from NW. I think Marcelo Bernardo is there and maybe some production staff. Didnt Kirk Lapoint take his failed mayoralty bid and turn it into the am host. Ive tried on occasion to listen to RHR on line but I dont think Ive figured out when to listen. Always seems like Im listening to a previously recorded progam. Not being in the radio biz I can only base an opinion on what I read on the PSR blog and the published ratings numbers. Seems that RHR truly doesnt have much of an audience within the range of its signal. Jody Vance. Now there left wing loony hater of all things normal.

  9. @13 – Marcella Bernardo left for News 1130 a few months ago, Kirk LaPointe also left. Judging by the RH news page, it’s just copies of old Canadian Press stories, so maybe they cut their news department?

  10. Bellingham has a great radio station that can be picked up all over the Vancouver area as well as Victoria. KGMI 790 on the AM dial. Coast 2 Coast on at 2200.


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