New Harassment Allegations Against Kevin Spacey from House of Cards Set

Netflix and House of Cards producer Media Rights Capital are responding to new allegations of sexual harassment made against Kevin Spacey.In a CNN report Thursday, multiple employees of the Netflix series accused the star and exec producer of inappropriate behavior. One production assistant claimed that Spacey put his hands down the assistant’s pants without consent while he was driving Spacey to the set. He then alleged that Spacey cornered him and touched him inappropriately.Another crew member on the political drama said Spacey “would put his hands on me in weird ways,” including massaging his shoulders and touching his stomach. Six other employees from the show talked with CNN about their experiences with Spacey.In a statement, MRC responded to the latest allegations and confirmed a previous allegation of sexual harassment by Spacey in 2012.

“We are deeply troubled to learn about these new allegations that are being made to the press concerning Kevin Spacey’s interaction with members of the crew of House of Cards. As the producer of the show, creating and maintaining a safe working environment for our cast and crew has always been our top priority,” the company said.




  1. The knifes and hatchets are now out to ruin Kevin Spacey. Since high school, his every move he made will be under tight scrutiny now. Yes, I personally think he did things he regrets and were inappropriate, but how many deserve to go to trial and how many people want to be paid off. Dustin Hoffman, how many will want to take him to court for what he has done in the past and how many need and will be paid off.

  2. 13- I think I have some sympathy for these actors who I looked up to as a younger person. Hollywood is focusing on all the male stars from Hollywood and I think just about everybody who has gotten anywhere has done things they regret. Harvey Weinstein deserves to have all of his wealth taken away from him. I think that some are trying to re-write history, Bill Cosby was allowed to grab an ass in the 1960s, but not today. Todays standards and whats acceptable is far different than it was 50 years ago. I dont like to see the golddiggers and opportunists of today.


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