October 23, 2017
A former Winnipeg broadcaster and journalism instructor at Red River Collegehas been arrested on bank robbery charges in Alberta.
Police in Medicine Hat say Steve Vogelsang robbed a Royal Bank and Bank of Montreal in the city on October 19 and 20.

In both robberies, the 53-year-old is said to have walked into the banks and demanded money. No weapons were used in either robbery and he fled after receiving an undisclosed amount of cash.
Vogelsang was arrested Saturday without incident at a local hotel and is facing two counts of robbery charges.

Vogelsang was an instructor in RRC’s Creative Communications program from 2002-2011 until he stepped down to move to Nelson, B.C.
Before that, he had spent time as the news director and sports anchor at the former CKY Television, now CTV.
Vogelsang will appear in provincial court on Tuesday.
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Omagawd, I realize employment prospects are bleak for out of work broadcasters. But this may show just how bleak.
This may be more than bleak employment prospects. Steve may have some serious mental health issues that need to be addressed.
This is very sad and extremely serious. I hope the trauma experienced by the people in the banks is minimal, but will certainly weigh into the judge’s decision. Obviously a desperate act by a desperate person. I hope he gets the help he needs. There is no question he will do some jail time because the judge will have to consider the ‘detterance’ factor.