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Trump Resumes Attack on Cable News


‘Dumb as a rock Mika’: President Tweets New Assault on MSNBC hosts

President Donald Trump, in the Oval Office of the White House. He has feuded with the Morning Joe hosts this week, who claim the White House tried to blackmail them. Photograph: UPI/Barcroft Images


Donald Trump aimed a series of tweets at familiar targets on Saturday, complaining about the media and so-called voter fraud but saving his most direct fire for MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, the subjects of a fierce controversy over online bullying, sexism and accusations of White House blackmail.

The president sent his tweets from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he was spending the Fourth of July holiday. He began with best wishes to Canada on its national holiday but ended – at least for the time being – with another attack on the hosts of Morning Joe.

“Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses,” Trump wrote. “Too bad!”

The president first attacked Brzezinski on Thursday, describing her as “low IQ Crazy Mika” and claiming she had been “bleeding badly from a face-lift” during a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the president’s Florida resort, last New Year’s Eve.

His tweets drew immediate and widespread condemnation from across the political spectrum and the media landscape.



Ed Notes: PSR tries to be Fair and Balanced Reporting…

First Lady Melania Trump Blasts MSNBC HERE


  1. I should hope the President would continue to hammer these two “lying scum” lefties and the second fake news cable network, MSNBC, CNN being the first. I hope he will ban both networks from the White House Press Gallery.

  2. It may be cable t.v. but there is no more cable news in the USA and much of the western world today. Call it for what it is, tabloid entertainment, FLUFF, NONSENSE, LIES AND DISTORTIONS. Edward R. Muro rolls in his grave today.

    I love Trump’s tweet.. dumb as a brick Mika. I do not watch their sh*t show but I get hi-lights of their sh*t by alternative Youtube channels and content producers. SHE IS DUMB AS A BRICK! Scarborough is a mentally deranged, white knight, beta, trying to look tough… WELL HE IS NOT!

    MSM journalism is more or less dead, but it does not know it as of yet. TRUMP FOR THE WIN!

  3. Trump really should be setting a better example for the children of the USA, all of the name calling is completely unnecessary and is bullying.

  4. Andrew, you don’t get it! Trump is confronting lying leftist propagandists!! He’s fighting fire with fire. Don’t worry about the children, its about time they learned to stand up boldly and not be a wimp!


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