Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Home News Industry News Three CNN Journalists Resign After Russia Story Snafu

Three CNN Journalists Resign After Russia Story Snafu




Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau and Lex Haris have all left the company in the wake of the story.

Over the weekend, BuzzFeed broke the news that CNN had taken the unusual step of removing a story from its website about a supposed congressional investigation into a meeting between financier and Trump transition team member Anthony Scaramucci and a Russian investment fund. The story, which was published Thursday and pulled down Friday, was replaced with an editor’s note that said it “did not meet CNN’s editorial standards.”

On Monday, the other shoe dropped, and three experienced journalists involved with the story — Thomas Frank, who wrote the piece; the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eric Lichtblau, who edited the piece; and Lex Haris, executive editor of CNN Investigatives — resigned from the network.

“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” a network spokesperson said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. The news was first reported by The Washington Post.

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  1. CNN, is fake news.

    CNN has been on a decline for years but in the last few notable the last POTUS election has seen it utterly fail. But it’s not alone, all MSM in the western world has sold their collective souls to the devil and will all fail in the end.

    People see through you now. Propaganda is just that, MSM no longer represent journalistic values. Keep up the good work MSM, proverbially doing to your own throats what ISIS does to innocents is a sight to see.

    The mid term elections in the USA 2018 will see an equivalent to St. Valentines Day massacre of Democrats in the Senate and the House. You can count on it!

  2. Wow, so, CNN had to retract a big story, about 3 employees being forced to resign. What about all the other phony stories they do? What about MSNBC NBC, CBS, & ABC? What about the failing New York Times & Washington Post? ALL FAKE NEWS!!!

  3. And the liberal media as a whole only have themselves to blame for their failure and their downhill slide into oblivion, yet they still refuse to take responsibility for their actions. If they want to willingly make themselves irrelevant as well as unemployable once the networks they work for go down the tubes completely (along with their political bosses, the Democrats stateside and the Liberals/NDP/Greens/PQ/BQ here), that’s on them and them alone.

  4. Ambulance chasing, disease of the week and ribbon cutting oh and home movies of pets. There’s your news lineup. Wanna watch?


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