By Michael Easton
and host of EastonSpectator.com Connecting the dots…
I’ve had the idea floating around my mind for some time, if not years, about having a section here on PSR devoted to mugs shots of on air radio personalities/presenters, hanging around their designated microphones…
As a long time radio guy, I’ve always been partial to ‘Mic Shots’
When I came across this one of Jon Ramer, I thought, lets get this thing rolling, meaning, Jon is the first Puget Sound Radio ‘Mic Shot’ to be presented.
My comments on Jon’s facebook page was, this is GREAT! so you Radio Presenters out there, Please, start clicking, and sending me your best mug, I mean, ‘Mic Shot’ to:
I look forward to posting your contribution to this new
“>PSR Presentation.
Jon lists himself on his facebook page, as a Child of God, husband, son, dad, brother, program director, Radio host, VO artist, foot model.
Now, what about Jon, whose been in the industry for over twenty years…
Jon currently holds down the PD and MD position at Shine Red Deer.
His Twitter is @jonramer68 and FB
Jon’s Facebook page HERE
Here’s Jon’s Bio; Starting in Ft. McMurray at KYX 98 in 1986. Then to 100.3 the Q in Victoria in the later 80’s. Worked at Nornet (back when it was Nornet). Then Vancouver in 96′ at JR and the Bridge. When the Bridge changed format went to WPAR radio net work in Virginia as net PD. then to WRCM as PD in Charlotte, NC. Then to CISN in Edmonton, on-air swing in 2007 ish? Then to CJCA and Shine FM in Edmonton. KAOS in fort mac as station manager for a bit then SHINE Red Deer as PD/on-air …
Michael Easton
Puget Sound Radio &
This is great, Michael! Haven’t heard Jon ssince The Bridge days. He held down the morning show for a time, occasionally co-hosted with Christian musician, Connie Scott. Jon’s got a great voice!
Thanks Donovan. That’s very kind. Those were good times for sure. Connie
Was the best part of the show!