Former NW Sportcaster Neil Macrae dies at 65 (Update: Montage Included)

Neil Macrae


Just received word through our friend, David Chesney, former CKNW sportcaster Neil Macrae has died from cancer at the age of 65. He passed away last Thursday at his home in Palm Springs. Macrae became famous for his acerbic editorials and his sparring with morning host Frosty Forst in the 1980’s and 90’s.


A Montage of Neil from CKNW  HERE

Former colleagues of Macrae’s are passing their condolences.


  1. Extremely sad news. You usually didn’t agree with what Neil had to say, but his entertainment value was second to none.


  2. So sorry to hear the passing of Neil. It was so much fun working with him at CKNW. Bob Robertson, Dave McCormick, now Neil. A very sad past week for us that worked and enjoyed their talent and friendship. RIP!

  3. I worked with Neil at CKNW back in the 80’s. and until he was let go a few years ago. Neil was not as he appeared on the air he was actually a nice person. We still would get together when he was in town with some broadcasters and have lunch and talk about the state of the business.
    Our lunch bunch will raise a glass to him this Friday. Laurie please let us know when the service will be

  4. This is so sad. Loved listening to Neil on the radio. Condolences to his family & friends, and co-workers. A Vancouver original gone. RIP

  5. Farewell to a good friend, and a talented Broadcaster. My condolences to his Wife, Family, and his many friends. I enjoyed Neil’s kinship for thirty plus years. .

  6. RIP Mr. Macrae.

    Long time listener to Neil’s work at CKNW, always controversial but so worth listening too. Thanks for the on air memories Neil.

  7. I’m going to miss that voice. I’ll never forget that time he got in trouble when he was gently criticising a particular Russian player who wasn’t doing very well with the Canucks.

  8. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Neil on a number of occasions, most recently over dinner at Point Grey golf Club last November. One of Neil’s good friends was also a close friend of my late father, and he was kind enough to invite me to share dinner and drinks with the boys after a Wednesday golf game. It was a great chance to get to know Neil in a more intimate setting. Despite his gruff and abrasive on-air persona, Neil came across as a very kind human being. I could have spent a few more hours listening to all of his radio war stories, which included a first-person account of the Big Al Davidson death threat in the ‘80s, as well as an evening where he played chauffer for a Gary Bannerman bender. You can’t make this stuff up! RIP Neil, and my condolences to the rest of his family.

  9. Neil Macrae, a true Vancouver radio original and star! He followed in the footsteps of another sports broadcasting legend, Big Al Davidson. They both had similar acerbic styles, always said how they really felt, didn’t care about the consequences. They both cleaned up in the ratings too because they were true entertainers. I worked with Al at ‘NW in the late 70’s, never got to work with Neil. I hope Neil enjoyed his retirement which was sadly nowhere near long enough.
    RIP Mr. Macrae…

  10. It was a pleasure working with Neil over a 10 year period at ROCK 101
    and NW. He was one of a kind. My thoughts go out to his wife and family
    including his large radio family. Neil was a big contributor
    on the Bro Jake show in the 90s and early 2000s. A bigger than life character
    on the air and in the halls. RIP Neil.

  11. I was shocked to hear of Neil’s passing. He was great to work with at NW and as has been said earlier in this thread his on air persona and his real life personality were not the same. Neil was a great guy. I first got to know him in the late 1980’s when my first personal encounter was late one night after a BC Lions game. It was well passed midnight leaving BC Place and my car would not start. Neil walked up and asked if he could help. He called me a tow truck and stayed until it came to make sure I wasn’t stranded. I thought that was class. RIP Neil

  12. Very sad to hear of Neil’s passing . I first met Neil in 1987 and became instant friends. He was a very kind and generous guy. His on air persona was nothing like the real Neil. He will be sadly missed by all those that knew him.
    RIP Neil

  13. Anyone that did not have the fortune to hear this man on air truly would not know what they had missed. One of the reasons that NW was the top dog. Pure entertainment.

  14. What a scourge cancer continues to be. As I recall, Neil helped his wife Laurie administer a charitable medical research fund in honour of her late father who had been a Vancouver biotechnology executive. Condolences to her and to his former broadcast buddies.

  15. Worked early mornings with Neil at ‘NW several years back. He lamented the loss of his typewriter because he disliked using a PC. He was such a craftsperson where his editorials were concerned he pushed the network time frame right up to seconds-to-air. When he handed the finished product to me for distribution he was most apologetic. Neil was a gentle soul at heart and very personable, always taking the time to catch up with colleagues or pass along some critique to industry newcomers. Hugs to all family and friends.
    RIP Neil, you will be missed on-air and off.

  16. Saddened to hear this news of my friend Neil. Neil would visit me and stay with me for Christmases in California and also flew to my wedding. A laid back dude who was a quiet private person. He will be missed but never forgotten. Thanks for some great memories on our vacations, in our homes and just hanging out. Another talented wonderful person, gone way too young. RIP. Condolences to Laurie.

  17. Friends of mine are in the midst of preparing Neil’s obituary and are looking for some information. What was the name of the station Neil worked at in Comox in the 1970s? I don’t see a reference to Neil working in Comox on


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