Two Radio Research Pros Call Out PPM … Again




Tuesday August 8, 2016


Mark Ramsey


Richard Harker

Two new posts by respected media researchers Mark Ramsey and Richard Harker, respectively, continue to tweak Nielsen over their concerns about the accuracy of the PPM audience measurement system. In his post, Ramsey goes so far as to bluntly suggest to broadcasters, “It’s time to drop Nielsen’s PPM.” Citing recent reports that Nielsen allows up to 16 meters to be placed in a single household, Ramsey concludes, “This is one of thoseshockingly unfair and non-representative elements of PPM that broadcasters overlook far too easily.”

Read the full post HERE … Meanwhile, Richard Harker  — who has long been a critic of PPM, going all the way back to the days of the electronic audience measurement system’s roll out by Nielsen’s predecessor Arbitron — analyzes why so-called “wobbles” in radio ratings results are more than just aberrations. “Wobbles are baked into the ratings,” he says. “We talk about ‘wobbles’ as aberrations, but the truth is that every Nielsen number is a wobble.”


Read Harker’s full RadioInsights post HERE.


  1. Well I read the radioInsight post. A little bit over my head but as the gist was the current system is flawed I looked for the allternative. I couldnt see one. So I suppose if your a PD at a station that is losing market share you will agree with this post. If your a leader than you will ignore the post.
    As always I wonder where the PD at CKNW stands on this info.

  2. With BBM, CBC Radio was usually last or near the bottom in many markets.
    With PPM, they seem to be near the top in many markets.
    Quite a wobble….


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