CHEK TV 1987 Station Tour with Colleen Christie


Here’s a classic video which our friend Dennis Rimmer posted on his facebook page, of a young Colleen Christie when she worked at CHEK TV back in 1987, when she takes us on a tour of the Victoria television station.



  1. Nice trip down memory lane and how t.v. was done back in the 80’s. Back then more jobs probably paid pretty good in t.v. unlike many today…Colleen Christie was hubba, hubba, love her hair and make up. But then again I think the 1980’s was a great decade for how females dressed, and looked via hair and makeup. But I too agree with Sean, she still looks great today.

  2. Great clip; I know Colleen’s dad from my Lodge. Very proud of his daughter! I have a bunch of taped material in storage from CHEK in the 60’s, from 1962-70 specifically, when my dad was doing Club 6, which includes a bunch of behind the scenes stuff from the old Epsom Drive location. I practically grew up on that set as a kid. Will be plowing through it in the near future and post anything that might be of interest to folks on this board.


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