Calgary PPMs: February 29, 2016 – May 29, 2016 (Numeris)


Average Daily Universe: 1,235,000



Average Minute Audience (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of persons exposed to a radio station during an average minute. Calculated by adding all the individual minute audiences together and dividing by the number of minutes in the daypart.

Average Daily Cume (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of unique listeners who were exposed to the station for at least one minute during an average day. Calculated by adding the number of unique listeners each day and dividing it by the number of days in the analysis.

Share: Within a central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to Total Encoded Radio.

Average Daily Universe: The average daily universe for the analyzed period. The universe is expressed as daily averages because it changes slightly daily as the intab changes.

Source: Numeris


  1. The question is, how loyal are country music fans in Calgary? So far I would say they are still very much loyal to Country 105. Its not impossible to take them down, just like Wolf took on Seattle’s KMPS a few years ago and came out on top for a number of books, but now things have reversed and the folk are flocking back to KMPS. With Pattison being able to blanket the city with his billboard advertising of WILD Country its sure to put a dent into the radio market in cowtown soon, I think.

  2. Warren – While I agree, it’s great to see Pattison being able to blanket the city with marketing, it’s not working. Peak very much was all over the city, even more than WILD. Since Pattison has introduced “personality” and “commercials” on the air, we’re seeing almost PEAK like numbers once again rare its ugly head, esp’ in their core money demos. It’s what’s happening between the songs is what’s killing WILD, and what killed PEAK. Just poorly executed contesting, on air presentation, branding, social media, etc. There needs to be a complete overhaul with management within that building. Comparing WOLF in Seattle to WILD is a very poor comparison. WOLF had top notch branding, personality and focus. 95-3 will just be another PEAK with a more saleable format in Calgary – COUNTRY! If anything, sales numbers will be higher, but I suspect actual real numbers will be comparable to PEAK. What a wasted frequency.

  3. Here’s the thing – people won’t “switch” unless there is a major difference. If it’s “more of the same” – they will stick with what they know. Country 105 was first in the “Country” category – so attacking their strength is not the best plan. Call me crazy – but if they’re doing “hit” country – I would put on an extreme morning show like Bubba the Love Sponge or something similar. They need to dare to be different to get attention. Once they have the attention – THEN they can try and move into a more “grown-up” position – till then – people need to know the frequency exists. Clearly, the majority do not.


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