Edmonton Radio PPMs — Aug 31st – Nov 29th



PPM Top-line Radio Statistics Edmonton CTRL Survey period: Radio Meter 2014/15 – August 31st to November 29th, 2015  Demographic: A12+ Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am Geography: Edmonton CTRL Data type: Respondent

Station       Format   AMA       DailyCume        Share      Trend

CKNO         NOW         7.4           204.2                10.4                -0.6

CHED       NewsTalk    6.8          122.3                  9.5                 +1.1

CBC           RadioOne    5.7             86.5                 7.9                 -0.6

CKRA        Capital         5.7           140.2                 7.8                 -0.6

CIUP             UP             4.8             113.5                 6.7                  +1.1

CISN          Country       4.7           104.1                 6.6                  -1.2

CIRK             K-97           4.1             93.6                 5.7                  -0.2

CFCW*       Country       4.1           40.5                 5.7                  +1.1

CHDI            Sonic            3.9          120.6                 5.5                  +0.6

CHBN          Bounce        3.4           143.2                 4.8                  +0.5

CFBR              Bear         3.4                90.8                 4.8                  +0.1

CKNG            Fresh        2.7             120.6                3.8                   -1.2

CFRN              TSN         2.4                 43,0                3.3                   +0.4

CJNW             HOT         2.3              111.9                3.2                  +0.4

CKEA             Cruz          2.3                 59.7               3.2                  +0.3

CFMG            Virgin       2.2              127.3                3.1                  -0.5

CKUA             Variety     1.3                25.7                1.8                  +0.4

CBXFM          Radio2      1.1                 86.5               1.5                  +0.3

CHQT               News        0.7                31.4                1.0                  +0.1


* spill station August 31, 2015 – November 29, 2015 Average Daily Universe: 1,174,000 PPM Top-line Radio Statistics Edmonton CTRL Survey period: Radio Meter 2015/16 – August 31, 2015 – November 29, 2015 Demographic: A12+ Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am Geography: Edmonton CTRL Data type: Respondent TERMS Average Minute Audience (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of persons exposed to a radio station during an average minute. Calculated by adding all the individual minute audiences together and dividing by the number of minutes in the daypart. Average Daily Cume (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of unique listeners who were exposed to the station for at least one minute during an average day. Calculated by adding the number of unique listeners each day and dividing it by the number of days in the analysis. Share: Within a central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to Total Encoded Radio. Average Daily Universe: The average daily universe for the analyzed period. The universe is expressed as daily averages because it changes slightly daily as the intab changes.




  1. What I find strange is in Edmonton there are 4 stations that essentially play the same music, bounce, virgin, fresh, and hot. Between the 4 the combined rating would be a 10.6 but instead 3.4 is the highest of the 4 stations. Also virgin and the bear are doing bad too. I have noticed the on air product at both stations has dropped over the last year or so and even more so now that bell made all the cuts. Virgin mornings sounds like something you would hear on a college radio station and the rest of the day is almost as bad. I was listening a week ago and the on air host kept talking as the singers were singing. Sometimes they were coming on and talking before a song finished. I listened for 20 minutes and it was close to 19 minutes to long.
    I wonder if the stations that have recently chopped staff know how it’s effecting the sound. Makes me glad I have a Sirius player as well.
    On a side note Cruz is lower then I expected with the new morning show. I think they crosbie and cross sound amazing together. It’s one of my favorite morning shows now plus it seems like they have a decent control over the music. I’m not sure if it is the same at other Cruz stations but in Edmonton the playlist is wider and depending on the time of day you listen it seems like there is more of certain types of music making me think the hosts have more choice.
    Hopefully the ratings for Cruz improve and after Christmas one or more stations make changes because 4 stations playing almost the same sound with a combined 10.6 is pretty bad.

  2. NOW is at the top because they have the best professional announcers and the best music. You get what you pay for and the cutbacks are clearly hurting some stations. Agree Brian some stations sound like college radio through hiring those less experienced. Cruz has always played great music and morning show is a great addition so clearly they need to make some changes to the rest of the day. The 4 stations playing the same music need to make some drastic changes to pull ahead.

  3. What happened to Virgin and who put together that morning show? RJ are you talking about Crosby and Cross as I see their bilboards everywhere but they are still in the basement. I see some big changes coming for these stations.

  4. I’m just happy to see that the station I support (financially) and listen to mostly is slowly but surely grabbing a bit more of the audience share.
    CKUA – it’s all good music.

  5. The Bounce’s rise has me curious too see if one of the other 3 will flip. The announcer’s over there must be doing something right, that the other 3 aren’t.. Still shocked too see where Virgin sits in the ratings.

  6. Shocked at Virgin and Fresh but not surprised at Hot and Cruz as they have been in the bottom consistently. Time to flip or hire new announcers

  7. Too many stations and only a few good ones at the top. One good DJ can run the show on their own without all these amateur sidekicks. Lots of vets out of work and being replaced by rookies to save on salaries.

  8. Take a look at CISN’s numbers, down again. That’s multiple books in a row. With 105 doing very well in Calgary, I can only imagine the pressure they’re under to improve.

  9. Not shocked about Virgin’s ratings at all. The on-air product has significantly gone down hill. I called this after the departure of Beckler, and then Pepper and Dylan shortly after.

    They lost quite a bit of viewers when Pepper and Dylan got sacked. To add, mant were pretty angry and confused when they disappeared. At one point, the backlash was pretty entertaining to watch. Many said that they will no longer listen to Virgin, and people did follow through with it. Including me…. Virgin is no longer in my radio pre-set…

  10. Cubb Carson isn’t “shaking” anything up… Seeing as how he got tossed out by Power in Winnipeg for bad behavior, I’d be shocked if he came into majors ever again


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