Yep, CNN Is Working With Hillary. Here’s The Proof

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

By Amanda Prestigiacomo
November 25th, 2015

Conservatives have always suspected that “unbiased” networks like CNN, CNBC and CBS are actually left-wing news-machines, skewing their narratives and telling half-truths to satisfy their ideology, and now, CNN has, once again, confirmed those suspicions. Elise Labott, who was recently suspended from CNN for her biased tweet concerning a different slip-up, has been caught coordinating with Clinton aide, Phillip Reines, confirmed via emails obtained by Gawker, in order to smear Republican Senator Rand Paul and bolster support for Hillary Clinton.

Labott, the foreign affairs reporter at CNN, worked with Reines to “craft two tweets that were eventually published by Labott: one slamming Rand Paul, the other involving a specific quote from Clinton proclaiming her transparency during the Benghazi investigation held by the Accountability Review Board, a board of Clinton appointees,” according to Breitbart News.

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  1. U.S. Politics is so corrupt. With over 250 Million Americans, you would think they could at least find one so called honest candidate, but no, they chose the most corrupt politician by the name of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is her competition to win the Democratic nomination, What a fucking joke! The whole political structure south of the border is Fixed.

  2. No small wonder the mainstream media newscasts have been losing viewers in the last few years, even more so now that they don’t even try to hide their left-wing bias anymore since the Obama regime seized power in ’08.


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