Fred would have been 70!

Fred Latremouille


Our PSR friend Wayne Cox reminded us had Fred Latremouille still be living he would have turned 70 years old today. Wayne added, he would have had a few choice words to say about that number!

Happy Birthday Fred!




There was some question if we had the correct day of Fred’s birth after our Ron Robinson checked the records discovered, a couple of sites indicated Fred was born on October 21st, however that was proven to be incorrect. He was born in Nanaimo on October the 22nd, 1945.



Just to make absolutely sure, we contacted his widow Cathy Baldazzi who not only confirmed the date as she was reading his birth certificate to me that this is his birthday indeed. She also supplied us with this photo of a young Fred. Cathy added, “I was just talking to his mother (she’s 92) . She remembers the pic but I didn’t ask how old he was at the time. I would guess 18 mos or so. I know he was talking before he was one! And used the word “effervescent” at the age of two! Gorgeous little boy wasn’t he?.”

Thanks Cathy

Fred and Cathy



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  1. 1964 At the Hudsons Bay store on Granville I was going to a movie with a fiend Cathy Dittlow. Fred autographed her arm. I wonder if she ever did wash that arm again. I think the movie was Hard Days Night. Those were great times.


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