A couple of weeks ago Kim Mitchell resigned his position at Q107 after a pretty good run and, in his on air tribute to Kim, John Derringer stated, among other things, that Max Webster changed John’s life and I think the same is true of a great many Canadians…one of the most unique bands ever and always exciting to watch perform. Kim still performs live and occasionally, because he knows it works, gathers together the old gang and becomes Max again…they’re making a lot more money per show than they ever did when they were together so why not?

Greg Simpson firmly believes his career in the music industry officially began on March 14, 1965 when a band gave him ten dollars as commission for helping them find a gig. He hasn’t looked back since then and looks forward to celebrating his fiftieth in 2015 with an enormous party paid for by the hundreds of dollars he’s made since then. His career has covered all aspects from radio for many years, and including working for record labels, artists and, since 1992, Canadian Music Week where he programs the radio stream and manages all conference streams and events in real time annually. He also attends half a dozen conferences a year doing research for CMW and is generally accepted as a knowledgeable cat with a few stories to tell. At the root of it all, though, is his undying love for music and musicians.
Greg Simpson is the author of ‘Today’s Almost Forgotten Track’ (TAFT)
Email Greg:
Greg’s Website: http://www.mindbenders.ca
Visit his Facebook Profile Page: HERE
Ah Greg..you just made my day! Max Webster was, is, and always will be my favourite band of all time! During that time in the mid to late 70’s, there was either mainstream rock, disco or punk/new wave. Max Webster fit into none of those catagories! A littel Zappa, a little Capt. Beefheart, a lot of crazy time changes, crazy guitar runs and crazy lyrics! It probably made it hard for record companies to market or promote them, but their unique sound and look endeared them to a lot of us in Southern Ontario, where they still remain legends! I still contend they didn’t get the recognition they deserve for being as innovative as they were.
I remember when Kim Mitchell and lyricist Pye Dubois came to our college radio station for an interview. To us, it was like having Mick Jagger and Keith Richards show up! I also had the pleasure of chatting with Kim Mitchell over the years during my radio and early TV days.
Still crank it up whenever I hear them!
Your experience Marke was one shared by many. I first saw Kim play when he was 16 and in a band called The Grass Company, which evolved, quickly enough into Zoom. A band I have close ties with shared a place in Toronto when they were both trying to make it, and, though the band I was closest to, Thundermug, had their moment, and Bill Durst continues to carry that legacy as a solo artist, nothing they’ve done on the success scale comes close to Kim’s achievements. A few years ago, Durst and I were working a show in Woodstock Ontario with Kim as the headliner, and they recalled a street dance in Sarnia, when both were fifteen, that was the first paid performance for either of them.
That’s awesome, Greg…..and I do remember Thundermug! Played my high school a couple of times and I have ‘Africa’ on my IPod!