CTV Vancouver Tops Global’s ‘News Hour’!


Harvey Oberfeld (above) has acquired the data to support the above headline.  We’re told CTV Vancouver has beaten Global several times at both 5 pm and 6 pm, something which seemed impossible back during Tony Parson‘s (pictured below) long tenure in the anchor chair.   In the hallowed days of BCTV, that is.

Harv is promising to give us all the details in his blog which you’ll find here on PSR on Today (Friday).

****In view of the BC Day Holiday Monday, HARVEY’s BLOG WILL NOW BE PUBLISHED FRIDAY the 31st!!***





  1. About bloody time! What is considered “news” these days is just viral stuff off the internet.. or in Global’s case… stories about animals (and I don’t mean people leaving animals in cars or lions being killed).. or their very biased news approach.
    Well.. not that I will wait for good ol’ Harvey to find out the details, as I am sure, CTV will gloat about their ‘success’

    What happened to real news?? sigh..

  2. Good for CTV!
    It became the News Channel of choice in our household a few months ago.
    Couldn’t take the shilling for our Provincial Government on Global any more.
    The Station now REPEATS the Governments own Press Releases, as opposed doing some investigative work and REPORTING what the Ministries and Ministers are doing/not doing.
    Still remember the day it became clear how “detached” from being cozy with the Government Global isn’t.
    Premier Clark called in to the News Anchor at 6:00 P.M. After letting her give her little prepared speech, the Anchor bid her adieu “see ya when you get back Christy”.
    You can draw your own conclusions………………

  3. Late spring/early summer numbers? Let’s see the numbers. Wondering if the loss of Lynda Steele will affect CTV in the fall numbers. She may yet surface on Global, rather than just on BC1 which, despite its name, is not widely available in BC.

  4. If Lynda Steele is leaving CTV, … sad. A good anchor and not used to the best of her abilities on CTV.
    Perhaps a change of venue will work for her …


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