Contributor role offered, but she has yet to decide whether she’ll continue
Ramin Setoodeh, Variety.com Film Editor, New York
After just one season at the Hot Topics table, Nicolle Wallace will not be returning to “The View” next season as a daily co-host, Variety has learned.
The network has, however, offered the conservative personality a contract to appear as a contributor on the show from time to time. According to a source, Wallace has yet to decide if she’ll continue in that capacity or leave “The View” entirely.
An ABC News spokesperson declined to comment on staffing changes, and a rep for Wallace didn’t respond to an email and phone call.
The former communications chief for George W. Bush was selected as the resident Republican on the show in September, but underwhelmed ABC bosses by not offering enough dissent about political issues and continually voicing her lack of knowledge about celebrities.
Wallace didn’t appear on Wednesday’s episode of “The View.” A source says that she’s hurt by ABC not asking her to return to the show full time next year.
Wallace’s hire last season was championed by new executive producer Bill Wolff, who met her while he worked on “The Rachel Maddow Show.” In addition to “The View,” Wallace still appears on MSNBC as a contributor for “Morning Joe.”
She also filled in as a pundit on ABC News covering the midterm elections, but another source adds that ABC producers found her commentary too soft.
Wallace will step down as co-host along with Rosie Perez, who announced last week she’s leaving “The View” to pursue acting opportunities following a Variety story that revealed ABC executives were considering letting her go. Rosie O’Donnell, another new co-host this season, exited the show in February, citing health concerns.
It’s been a difficult year for “The View,” with ratings down 16% in the second quarter compared to the same period in 2014. ABC bosses are looking to fight the sliding viewership by revamping “The View” in its 19th season with a panel that includes returning moderator Whoopi Goldberg, Raven Symone, comedian Michelle Collins (who was announced on Monday) and two other yet-to-be-announced names.
probably got canned for not kissing b.o.’s ass.
And all that cheerleading for Obama is probably one of the reasons ratings for The View are dropping like a stone.
Conservatives have to connect every story to Barack Obama. That’s why the meme “Thanks Obama” has taken off. Every problem in a right wingers mind is because of Obama.
It always pisses me off, if not never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of Canadian liberals mindset, regarding the comment from Chris.
Being an ‘outsider’, as he is and haven’t absolutely no idea about what is happening south of the border, except what he picks up from the ‘Media Party’, he amazes me, to the point I say, “butt out”, at least until you know and understand what is actually gong on. Obama will go down as the worst U.S. President in history.
Comments like those from Stephen prove what I am saying. Conservatives are always outraged that half of America actually likes Barack Obama. If he’s such an awful President, then please explain America’s major economic turnaround the last seven years? George W Bush who actually is America’s worst ever President, drove America into a recession with the reckless economic policy of cutting taxes for the rich. That approach always fails! Even without the recession, remember that Iraq War debacle which cost trillions of dollars and claimed thousands of American lives?
@ Chris:
“Every problem in a right wingers mind is because of Obama.”
Like every problem in a leftist’s mind is because of Bush, right?
“Comments like those from Stephen prove what I am saying. Conservatives are always outraged that half of America actually likes Barack Obama.”
They actually only prove what fertile imaginations that liberals have. We’re actually not outraged, but surprised that half of America was hoodwinked and flim-flammed by the Great Pretender. It’s more than likely that not even that many actually voted for him, but it only appears that way because of voter fraud on the part of the Obama supporters in 2008 and 2012.
” If he’s such an awful President, then please explain America’s major economic turnaround the last seven years? George W Bush who actually is America’s worst ever President, drove America into a recession with the reckless economic policy of cutting taxes for the rich. That approach always fails! Even without the recession, remember that Iraq War debacle which cost trillions of dollars and claimed thousands of American lives?”
Which goes right back to what I was saying in addressing your first quote about the liberal “blame Bush” crowd. No, Bush wasn’t perfect, but he was a far sight better than the usurper-in-chief Obama is (then again, so was every president who preceded Obama – even Jimmy Carter, who previously held the title of “Worst American President ever” before Obama came along). No wait, scratch that – Carter technically still holds that title because Obama is not, and never was, legally qualified to be President in the first place.
I can’t believe Obama isn’t in jail for the GM /Chrysler fiasco alone.
Don’t tell me that you are part of the birther movement VancouverTVGuy? Hate on Obama all you want, but don’t try to claim the guy doesn’t have a right to be POTUS. If you want an example of someone who illegally became President, check out how George W. Bush’s campaign had Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris stop a recount and certify him as the winner in Florida during the 2000 U.S. Presidential election.
@ Chris:
“Don’t tell me that you are part of the birther movement VancouverTVGuy? Hate on Obama all you want, but don’t try to claim the guy doesn’t have a right to be POTUS.”
Up until he announced his run for the presidency in 2007, Obama used to claim he was born in Kenya (backed up by his grandmother and his literary agent). He got all those references scrubbed in favor of claiming to have been “born in Hawaii” when he announced his presidential run because he knew full well that not being a natural-born citizen (plus, his father, a native of Kenya, was also a British subject at the time) would disqualify him from running for President.
” If you want an example of someone who illegally became President, check out how George W. Bush’s campaign had Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris stop a recount and certify him as the winner in Florida during the 2000 U.S. Presidential election.”
I’ll tell you what I told someone else on the old message boards here – in the 2000 election, a number of ballots in Florida had to be thrown out because counting machines couldn’t make heads or tails of them. Even after Al Gore’s supporters tried to demand a recount from Florida’s Supreme Court in counties in Florida with Democrat support but told the court to ignore counties where Bush had support, the US Supreme Court ruled that strategy illegal – and the rest, as they say, is history. As much as Democrats and liberals like to whine about that election being “stolen” because their man, the champion of “global warming” lost, Bush won because the US Supreme Court shot down the Democrats’ attempt to steal the 2000 election, and that’s all there is to it.
That wouldn’t be the last time the Democrats would attempt to steal presidential elections, though – they succeeded in 2008 and again in 2012 with Obama on the ticket because his supporters rigged the election to get him the win both times due to rigged voting machines, vote fraud by unregistered voters (many of them each voting multiple times) and intimidation of voters by Obama supporters like the New Black Panthers. If you don’t believe it, Google “Obama voter fraud” and “big list of vote fraud reports” and you’ll see.
Methinks VancouverTVGuy restricts his viewing to Fox News and, up until its demise, Sun News Network. At night, he probably scans the internet for Alex Jones.
One can criticize Barack Obama for many things (naive or incompetent Middle Eastern policy, ripping off bondholders in the GM/Chrysler restructurings, guaranteeing a bloated and oft bungled Affordable Care Act by allowing the Pelosi-Democratic congressional majority to write the opus).
But get real. The President was born in Hawaii. (The doctor who delivered him told Honolulu friends about the birth because of the infant’s peculiar name). Obama also won both elections by rallying his base to overcome Republican electoral shenanigans by standing in line for hours to cast ballots. McCain and Romney supporters were either too damn lazy or unethused by their candidates to follow suit.