Medicinal Marijuana Ads Inhaled on CKNW




Medical marijuana ads on Vancouver radio prompt national agencies to pass to the left

CKNW talk show host no stranger to controversy

By Gordon McIntyre
Mau 12th 2015


Justin Wilcomes is known to push boundaries. Now he’s pushing medicinal marijuana.

Better known by his DJ name Drex, he made his name asking Premier Christy Clark an inappropriate question about her sexual desirability as a mother, which she laughed off.

It got him fired from 98.9 Jet FM in Courtenay, but he was hired by CKNW last fall to host a show from 6 to 10 p.m.

Last month, Wilcomes began pitching medicinal marijuana on-air for Eden Medicinal Society.

“I think there are people with a bee in their bonnets about it,” Wilcomes said. “As far as we know, we’re the only radio station in North America that does it.”

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  1. That is the last straw. ‘NW is off for good. This clown has the audacity to say “if you want to complain, good luck finding someone to complain to” Well guess what smart guy, the listeners (if there are a few left) complain by turning guys like you off! we don’t need you or the rest of the clowns at ‘NW. There’s lots of other choices out there.

  2. Bob.

    That is not my quote, there aren’t even quotations around the sentence, that’s the reporter Gord giving the next part of the story context.

  3. Gee, why stop at shilling. Why not go all in with a one-hour informercial to knock yet another hour off of actual talk-show programming on weekends?

  4. Drex, you sound great, and have a strong awareness of the culture we currently live in. People hate change, especially as their youth becomes more lost in the fog every day.


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