Global News Consolidates: Kelowna Newscast to be Anchored from Toronto


Ad Dollar Loss Brings Significant changes in how Global news is produced

By Staff Global News

TORONTO – Global News’ parent company, Shaw Media, announced sweeping changes to how it produces news in Canada.


Shaw Media made the announcement Thursday afternoon that it will consolidate much of its production across Canada and change how the late-night and weekend newscasts are produced.Image result for troy reeb

“We’re actually rolling out a plan to shift the news organization in a bigger way to a story-centric production model and that means moving past some of the traditional ways we’ve produced television newscasts, to one where we touch the content once, make sure that it is best-catered for the audience and then deliver it,” Troy Reeb, (pictured) the senior vice president of news and station operations said in an interview Thursday.

The production of the late-night and weekend newscasts east of Alberta, as well as Kelowna, will be moved to Toronto, where a single-anchor team will produce a local newscast for each market.

Local morning shows and early evening newscasts will continue to be anchored from studios in local markets, though the production of some national and international segments will be centralized in Toronto.

The national and international segments of news programs will be the same throughout the country, freeing up resources in each market for local news gathering, Reeb said.

“We’ll actually increase reporting assets at the front-line through this in many locations and we’ll be able to increase the number of hours of news that we produce every week, though it is going to be a big change in the way that people traditionally think of television.”

There have been some layoffs as a result of the changes with most of the reductions coming behind the camera.

Reeb said Thursday that it’s still unclear how many people will be out of a job as the company deals with seniority and union issues, but the total net reduction across the country will be less than 30.



Global News announces significant changes to how news is produced


  1. The secret plan – get rid of the little people and have one voice and a couple of owners. People have caught on. No longer is there appointment viewing/listening it;s over – seen how small newspapers are? They used to weigh twenty pounds on the weekend – *well, you know what I mean. Magazine ad money is in the Toilet and TV and Radio sales….are in the dumper.
    The changes are coming fast and furious.
    Watch CORUS, they are losing millions a month and it can’t keep on.
    Incredible > everyone is migrating to a pay or Internet model.


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