Increases of around 10 per cent to be added to bills from January
from CBC News Posted: Dec 19, 2014 1:54 PM PT

The company added the rate increase under the total due on December bills.

On their website, Shaw explains the reasons for the hike as necessary to “support continued investment in building and supporting the Internet experience you need now and in the future.”
According to a Shaw spokesperson, most customers will see a hike of between $4 and $7 per month.
The news has caused outrage from customers, with many taking to Shaw’s online community pages to complain.
Biggest lying bastards on the face of the planet. I was a Shaw customer for 20 years, then fired them as my isp provider, when they offered me a promotional offer for internet, phone and tv for $ 50.00 a month for six months, but then said I never got such an offer !
Of course, I just dreamt it up !
I pity anyone using Shaw as their isp and also, putting up with their silly rate hike, given shoddy customer service, long lineups, and just mayhem.
I also got to know some of their call center sales people on a personal basis and some are back stabbing creeps (poachers?) who keep changing their minds on me, can’t answer phone messages, or just mental basket cases for the most part ?
It must be Shaw itself that turns overwise normal peeps into raving lunatics !
Hi Anonymous, sounds like you have some anger management issues and like to hide behind the keyboard. Telus and all the other providers will raise their rates too, everybody is carefully watching everybody else. Anonymous, because your diatribe is so blatant and calculating, its hard to take you seriously. They would lose money for what you claim they offered you is correct and I am glad the Shaw staff won’t get an opportunity to meet you in person.
Anonymous, you did a good thing by leaving Shaw. We all need to leave en masse to send Shaw the message that enough is enough. I will be switching to Telus in Feb. I’m still incessantly lobbying family and friends to dump Shaw as well.
Shaw laid off 400 Canadians this year, but chose to keep paying a 3.7% dividend to shareholders. That is more than $350 million transferred from subscribers to those who own SJR stock. That $350 mil could have been used to improve infrastructure, or God forbid, keep rate increases at or below core inflation rate. Instead, many of us are facing a 10% increase in January (how is that for a Christmas present?).
In addition, as a Shaw customer, you were paying Jim Shaw’s $6,000,000 per year pension (yes, 6 million per year). The richest pension in Canadian history by a long shot. And there are more Shaw’s family members who will soon be retiring…
Finally, Shaw subscribers are paying the salaries of people like Robert who come on these boards on weekends try to do damage control. Robert, the increase is different this time — Shaw will suffer from this self-inflicted wound.
To Robert:
Telus already did,… it took place on my November bill…. $5 more on the Internet component for a bundled landline/Internet/Optik TV package with 15MBPS/175GB.
So Shaw in a way is simply catching up…
” Hi Anonymous, sounds like you have some anger management issues and like to hide behind the keyboard. Telus and all the other providers will raise their rates too, everybody is carefully watching everybody else. Anonymous, because your diatribe is so blatant and calculating, its hard to take you seriously. They would lose money for what you claim they offered you is correct and I am glad the Shaw staff wont get an opportunity to meet you in person.”
Yeah okay, Robert (the Shaw employee) LOL, it;s pretty damn clear who you work for !
Like I said, one of your colleagues from the Shaw Edmonton call center offered me a 6 month moving in package. Then, Shaw management, namely a certain Lou Mello, the regional manager for Shaw’s Interior B.C. office, refused to check the phone records for the day and hour the offer was made.
Instead, I was overcharged by some $ 200.00 over several months and when I asked Mello to reverse the charges, the coward didn’t return my repeated phone calls.
That shows a chickenshit approach to customer service, hence the claim of lying, which I will not back down over and Shaw should admit they were wrong in this matter.
Anonymous, you did a good thing by leaving Shaw. We all need to leave en masse to send Shaw the message that enough is enough. I will be switching to Telus in Feb. I’m still incessantly lobbying family and friends to dump Shaw as well.
Well, I will whole-heartedly support such a campaign, Marcus. However, be aware, that Shaw might label you as “an anger management issue or a threat to Shaw call center staff” in retaliation for your campaign to dump Shaw ! LOL
For the record, I have neither “anger management issues” nor am I a threat to anyone, but yes, I am pissed with Shaw.
It is apparent to me that this BULLY of a communications giant (Shaw) needs to be challenged at some legal level, either a class action lawsuit approved by a judge and/or a consumer rights journalistic investigation.
Who amongst you in the Vancouver investigative journalism community would like to investigate Shaw !
Ah, I didn’t see any hands raised !
The main problem is that the tentacles of Shaw extend deep into the mainstream media, as they own Global Television, and all of their investigative reporters – like John Daly – would likely be fired if they investigated their bosses too deeply ?
So, John L. Daly, I dare you to “put your money where your mouth is,” and do an investigative piece on Shaw ? LOL
I for one will not be leaving Shaw for Telus. Not unless I get fiber at my house and what are the odds of that? I currently get 25 mbps download and 2.5 upload for $67/month. Nice to be angry about fee increases but do we have a choice in the great blue north?