“Eliminating TV Commercial Substitution Will Cost Canadian Jobs”


courtesy BroadcasterMagazine.com


GroupM Canada, a media marketing company, today  warned that changes proposed by the CRTC will result in significant job losses.  GroupM Canada says barring Canadian TV broadcasters from commercial substitution would dramatically cut revenues.

GroupM chief commercial officer Stuart Garvie says the end of so-called simultaneous substitution would mean Canadian broadcasters could no longer afford to air TV shows and events from south of the border.   The practice has frustrated Canadian viewers, particularly during major sporting events, when they are unable to see the advertisements that American watchers see, such as during the Super Bowl.

Bell Media‘s Mirko Bibic told the hearing that local stations, not just the big networks, should be allowed to simultaneously broadcast Canadian advertising while airing U.S. content.

“We need to not only maintain simultaneous substitution but should convert to a local specialty model and improve the protection of the Canadian rights market,” said Bibic.

Bibic said BCE,  accepts that cable and satellite programming should be “unbundled.”

But he says complete unbundling beyond so-called “skinny basic” packaging would threaten the ability of TV networks and stations to create high-quality Canadian shows.




  1. Garbage!! Channel substitution incents Canadian TV broadcasters to show popular American programming. Its a no brainer, buy the program and sit back and let the Americans hype the program for you.

    Taking it away will give them more money to spend on Canadian productions.

  2. Mark you got it all wrong. The revenue from popular American programming pays for the Canadian programming and local news. If you buy the rights to a show in Canada, it’s so you can protect Canadian businesses advertising in those shows. It’s goofy to disassemble the Canadian television system just to see American beer commercials once a year. What are you thinking.


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