Casey Kasem’s Family, Friends Fight Planned Burial in Norway

  • courtesy August 20, 2014
    Late last week, ALL ACCESS reported it looked like the body of CASEY KASEM — who died JUNE 15th in GIG HARBOR, WA — would finally find a resting place, as several sources noted that his remains have been sent to OSLO, where he will either be buried in one of its 20 cemeteries or one crematorium.
  • But the fight over the late KASEM continues to rage on — with NBC NEWS reporting, “relatives and friends are pleading with the Norwegian government to deny a request by the late DJ’s wife to bury him in the capital of OSLO. In a letter to NORWAY obtained by NBC News, 20 of KASEM’s relatives and friends claim the legendary radio personality never spoke of a desire to be buried in NORWAY and always wanted his final resting place to be in his hometown, LOS ANGELES.””As beautiful as your country is, our father has never spoken of any desire to be buried in NORWAY either to us or to his friends,” the letter says. “Do not be fooled into believing his wife, JEAN KASEM, who abandoned and isolated him during the last year of his life in favor of her boyfriend, JOHN PAUL GRESSY.”NBC adds, “CASEY’s wife, JEAN KASEM, had submitted a letter to the Norwegian government AUG. 8th, explaining that she would like her husband’s final resting place to be NORWAY because CASEY KASEM, ‘always said that NORWAY symbolizes peace and looks like heaven and I would like to respectfully fulfill his wishes’. She adds that her ‘heritage’ on her mother’s side is Norwegian and that she plans to move to NORWAY by year’s end.”

    That heritage is being questioned by KASEM’s relatives and friends, including his daughter, KERRI KASEM. They wrote in their letter to the Norwegian government that JEAN KASEM, “is not by any means of Norwegian descent.”

    In a separate letter to the Norwegian government, CURB RECORDS Chairman MIKE CURB, a personal friend of CASEY KASEM, wrote the late DJ “always wanted to be buried in CALIFORNIA.”

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