Google Set to Launch Subscription Music Service


By ,

 August 19, 2014 @ 10:09 am
Google Music Subscription Service Set to Launch


The search giant is reportedly launching a service called YouTube Music Key

In a bold move to keep up with Spotify, Apple Beats and other music streaming services, Google will reportedly launch YouTube Music Key and rebrand its Google Play Music All Access.

YouTube Music Key will offer ad-free music, audio-only playback and offline playback, according to a report from Android Police. The service provides a 30-day free trial offer and is priced at $9.99 per month.

Google has added “over 20 million high-quality tracks – complete albums, organized into artist discographies” specifically for Music Key.

YouTube declined to comment on the report.

More to come.

Google Music Subscription Service Set to Launch


  1. GPMAA is a fine service. I’ve been using since it started up (had to use a proxy to get the American version). Even though it’s now in Canada I’m still using the American version. I believe that the YouTube service mentioned in this piece will be a free add-on to current GPMAA subscribers. BTW, Spotify has been soft-launching in Canada with invitations. I’ve distributed all mine already. Again, I’ve only used the American Spotify version so far. Besides, they have a web version which I can run on a Chromebook. Spotify Canada will, at least initially, be a PC/Mac incarnation only.


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