Larry Hennessey new morning host on LG 104.3

Larry and Sherri Pierce GM of Vancouver Newcap

from Larry’s facebook page this morning

Hey people! I am proud to announce in this personal message that I will be the new morning host on LG 1043 ! I am excited to get back to what I have done since I was 15 years old ! Talking to listeners that Willy and I have made friends with over almost 25 years in Vancouver and meeting new friends as I continue my door to door chocolate bar sales in the evening. I know the show will evolve to be an exciting part of the morning FM radiation in the incredible Lower Mainland. Corrie Miller will look after News and Traffic and provide a perspective my compliment of chromosomes should not allow. I am excited to be playing loads of the greatest music ever recorded and impishly dancing along. “Dance like there’s no one listening! “….no..hold on …that’s not it…especially in this case. Huge thanks to Sherri Pierce for her unwavering support and the great team at NEWCAP for giving a guy from the rock a chance to possibly work enough weeks to claim his E.I. Now, where’s that start button?

Larry’s Facebook page HERE

The Thumbnail photo of Larry on the home page was taken in front of Avondale Hennessey Park …His hometown …in Avondale , Newfoundland


  1. Great choice, although I didn’t see that one coming. Wonder if the Newcap master plan is to hire Willie away from Corus?

  2. Larry in the morning. What a great idea. Sounds good. What about someone in the drive home show as well as it would be good to have Kelly Latremouille on the air as well. Larry will do a fine job

  3. Congrats Larry, now bring in Kerry and I will be happy. Anyone know who else is going to be on LG? I know Sandra Klaric is doing 9-3 right now

  4. Yes Brian Larry will do great and I do hope they can bring in Kelly Latremouille as he did a great job on FUN. I am not sure what the station has planned for the drive home show but I hope they would consider Kelly or even Tom Lucas from there sister station AM 650 as he did a great job on the request show.

  5. After receiving Donovans post as to when Larry actually takes to the airwaves, he kindly responded to the question, and then some, especially about getting into the routine, once again, of those early morning days.

    I have been getting up at 4am the past two weeks and it is amazing how quickly the routine comes back. Work, eat lunch after ALL work is done and sleep for 3 hours. Up…work more till 11 (Prep and I have other music related business’ ) and sleep ’till 3:45 am . When my long time partner and I left our last place of employment we were both clinically exhausted but it becomes normal and you get used to it. The first time we met up a month after being off the air he asked ” how long are you sleeping?” I told him I could sleep for 12 hours at a time easy. ” Me too ! ” was his reply. That eventually lead to sleeping 8 hours at a time like a normal human and it was fantastic. I am super charged and rested now. I am very focused so I take the routine seriously and can make it work. I will MC the fireworks Wed and Sat and will start possibly as soon as Thursday. I like Corrie Miller, she is super talented and think we will do just fine! Bring on LG !


  6. Great news, and I used to really enjoy Corrie as well. If they can tweak the music this should be a win. Try listening to Coast FM guys.. they seem to be doing it right.

    Congrats Mr H.

  7. Coast FM is great as I did listen to them as well and they are clear as a bell in Vancouver up to 264 in Aldergrove.
    But Larry in the morning sounds good. Hope they can bring over Tom Lucas for the request show that was on AM 650 there sister station as he did a great job on the request show. Now we can not make the request on AM 650.It would be great to have the 4 pm request hour in the day time on LG 104 3 or the all request lunch hour as well would be good.
    When is Larry starting any idea anyone. Do you think it will be on Tuesday after the holiday. If anyone finds out post it as it would be good if everyone can call in and welcome Larry back to the air.Maybe he will take request as that would be great as well


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