Pam Stevens Back On Air in Vancouver



After being let go as part of the Shore 104 purge a while back in preparation for the still jock-less LG104.3 Pam Stevens has shown up on air at CFOX this morning.


  1. Aside from being the consummate pro, Pam is just a great person, period. Nice that she’s back on air, even if it is just summer relief. Here’s hoping it turns into something permanent.

  2. I wish Pam was back on a station that I can stand to listen to. But at least she’s got a paycheck for the summer.

  3. Wow, Robert. You are a real piece of work. An industry colleague has a bit of good news and you instantly release a stream of rancid venom. You must be a real hit at cocktail parties!!

    Nicely done Pam! You sound great on Fox! I think you can do any format you put your mind to!
    Rock on.

  4. Good Grief Robert. In a hire and fire industry, she lands a summer job. She’s got bills to pay like anyone else. Good for her. Brain doesnt fully develop till 25. Gonna assume your under that.
    P.S. post your aircheck so Pam can laugh at it.

  5. How am I just seeing this now!? THANK YOU for the kind comments.

    Robert, never ask a woman her age, her weight or her income….

    Or do and I’ll tell you the truth and say you’re wrong but I’ll leave you wondering if its higher or lower than that. 🙂

    Happy that Meredith is on the way over but still trying to sell Ronnie on the Pam & Sam Show with Ms. Ferris from down the hall. Now that might be something men AND women would tune for or something that would get us in trouble with the CRTC. It’s hilarious in my mind!

    The more it changes, the more it stays the same: still one of the best jobs ever.

  6. Personally fox lineup should be like this. Jeff o’neill show followed by stone then Pam and then Meredith. I don’t like Greg much but that’s my opinion. If Pam were to show up on cfmi with Sam that would be incredible. The cfmi lineup is due for a shakeup. Maybe a final tweak to the playlist to. Make it sound a lot more like q107 in Toronto.

  7. Pam that would be freakin intense and you and sam ferris go hand in hand- that would completely blow up Vancouver radio.- don’t sacrifice the jeff o’neil show or willy in the morning to do it though.

    P.S did you and CS get that card I sent you guys registered mail? over the new yearz? you guys are gold that station better keep you or their gonna here it from me

  8. According to her on Twitter she is done at the fox. Can’t say where she was going yet due to confidentiality but I am sure there is some changes in the works somewhere soon. Maybe jack Victoria will change. Either way Pam is a pro and is amazing. I know she will be back soon somewhere

  9. Hey Mr. T – yes Craig and I got your card. Thank you so much for thinking of us. Hope you had a great holiday too.

    I am done at CFOX and for the time being, done with the city! I have accepted the position of Tour Leader with a company called Adventures Abroad. This broad has always been up for adventure so I can’t wait to start showing other people around places on this planet that I love.

    I begin training in Hanoi on Feb 1st and will then be touring folks through South East Asia for the foreseeable future. 28 years and one month in the biz – give or take to account for a few stints of funemployment of course, but it’s been a blast! Time to tackle something new and maybe eventually build some media/podcasting/reporting into it once I’m comfortable with the new job.

    Thank you all for the support. Maybe I’ll see you on the road??


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