Casey Kasem Hospitalized Amidst More Wife/Daughter Drama

      • courtesy All Access Music
      • June 2, 2014 at 4:34 AM (PT)
      • caseykasem2014.jpg
      • Following an order by KITSAP COUNTY Judge JENNIFER FORBES to allow radio icon CASEY KASEM’s daughter KERRI to visit him for the first time since his wife JEAN moved him to WASHINGTON from a SANTA MONICA facility without notifying his family, the ailing CASEM was taken to a hospital on SUNDAY (6/1) amidst some high drama between JEAN and KERRI in which JEAN threw a pound of hamburger meat at KERRI.

        KERRI had initiated the move to a hospital for her father, with FORBES’ permission, when she testified that a physician hired by JEAN reported that “her 82-year-old father had developed infections in his lungs and bladder and has bed sores,” according to NBC NEWS.

        Paramedics were not allowed inside the SILVERDALE, WA residence where CASEY was living. 911 was called and a second ambulance and fire truck arrived. JEAN walked downstairs and threw a pound of raw hamburger meat at KERRI. The paramedics eventually got inside and picked up CASEY KASEM.

        The NBC NEWS report continues, “KERRI was just very, very upset because her dad’s health had declined so much since she and Julie saw him on May 6,” her aunt MARY KASEM. He just went backwards. She was so heartbroken on FRIDAY that it broke my heart.”

        Another hearing about the health and welfare of CASEY KASEM is set for FRIDAY in front of Judge FORBES.

      • The NBC news coverage of this saga can be seen via this link.

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  1. After reading this article, it’s looking clear to me now that Jean “Madonna wishes she were me” Kasem clearly doesn’t have Casey’s interests or well-being (but rather, her own selfish interests) at heart. I hope Kerri Kasem and the rest of her family manage to resolve the situation in their favor and get Casey the help he needs.


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