PSR’s 6pm Friday Night News with the News You Should Know…


The X22 Report is not available, has been scheduled for release tomorrow, Saturday…

In it’s place we present the following interview on current BC Premier David Eby and the BC Conservative Party which is now ahead of the NDP (39%), with the former BC Liberal Party, The BC Unity Party in a showing a very low rating of 16%

To Watch Video, Click on the Image below

David Eby destroyed the BC NDP in less than a year (ft. Angelo Isidorou)

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

The Catholic Church helped start the Masons

Special Edition Chart of the Day (CotD) Natasha Gonek Analysis of Freedom of Information Disclosure Documents Relating to the Edmonton Police Service COVID-19 Pandemic Response

David Eby destroyed the BC NDP in less than a year (ft. Angelo Isidorou)

22 State Attorney Generals Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty, Citing Threats to Sovereignty and Civil Liberties

Rex Murphy , Canada’s Great Wit , Passes, by Brian Peckford

And you thought it was all over…

Jim Willie: Climax Events, Real Estate Depression, Trump 2020

Chart of the Day (CotD) New Zealand Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events, by Eldric Vero

Who is Well Armed?, by Douglas Farrow

Life can change in an instant because of a natural disaster, a seasonal storm, job loss, some new disease or even the political statements of a far off nation – Let’s get you ready!  Briden Solutions and The Lifeline Plan – Simplifying Emergency Preparedness.

Read More HERE


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