PSR’s 6pm Monday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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Bloodbath Stage Is Set, Obama Spygate Panic, Makes Trip To UK, FVEY, Time To Show The People – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

Seeds of Death – Unveiling The Lies of GMOs – Full Movie

Illegal Immigration Rises 1300% Under Trudeau Government, by Brad Salzberg

The Real Reason They Want to Ban TikTok – Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson

Faith4Vaccines’: Christian and Jewish Faith Leaders Coerced Followers to Take COVID Shots

Pierre Poilievre endorsing UNDRIP – LAND GRAB FOR THE UN PARASITES

Arizona Senate Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee Meeting

Bombshell Report: Exposing the actors behind Canada’s Online Harms Act (Bill C- 63



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