Vista guts Coast FM Sechelt


From: Dave Lueneberg

Subject: Vista guts Coast FM Sechelt

So, call me an optimist, but I actually thought when Vista Radio Bryan Edwards said that his company cared about local radio and nothing would change, I could take him at his word. Boy, was I stupid. The first chance they get to show us and they gut one of the radio stations on the Sunshine Coast.

Listening to ICON Radio, it’s a complete set-up of network stations like Bell’s EZ Rock or Bounce. Vista Radio, you’re no different than Bell. Local radio in B.C. will be dead in a year when Vista takes over.


  1. I would make an offer to buy 1 of those small stations, if I knew Bell was selling. Too late now. CRTC is to blame for not enforcing community license obligations.


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