With Local News Sites, These Radio Companies Are Helping Fill The News Void – And Turning a Profit.


Courtesy of InsideRadio

March 12, 2024

Two radio companies, one in the U.S., the other in Canada, have launched dozens of local news websites that are turning a profit and complementing their broadcast radio stations. Townsquare Media has quietly launched more than 50 standalone news sites in markets where it doesn’t already have a news station. North of the border, Pattison Media has launched 20 hyper local news sites in markets where it already had a strong radio presence and at least one news reporter.

Based in western Canada, Pattison Media owns 50 radio stations, and a handful of TV stations in small markets. “This has been a natural fit with our radio stations,” said Andrew Snook, Director of Digital, Pattison Media. “Our strategy has been around building sites dedicated to local advertisers, we want to help them build their businesses.”

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