Pattison Layoffs in Vancouver, Chilliwack, Edmonton and Calgary… (Updated again)


Submitted by R

Sounds like Pattison has fired a bunch of on air hosts. Vancouver, Chilliwack and Calgary cuts are confirmed. Morning shows gone likely replaced by a single network show. Rumours other markets affected as well.


Thanks to R for this update…

More Pattison cutback casualties:

Christy & Fraser (Mornings) and Denai Johnson (afternoon show) at NOW FM Vancouver

Bobby May and Jessica Hoy (Mornings) at TODAY FM Calgary

AJ Pirhonen, Afternoon Drive at JR FM Chilliwack

John Helm aka Johnny Chops – PD/Drive at Rewind and Wild FM in Cranbrook

Ray Walker and Brittany Hamilton are out at Country 95.1 in Brandon MB

Rumour is Crash & Mars, based in Edmonton, will be the new morning show on NOW and TODAY and Rob And Friends from Calgary will be afternoon drive in Calgary/Vancouver

Update: March 8th, 2024

From R.

Mr. Rod Schween, the President of Pattison Media was reported to have said, or implied they had nuked 3% of their workforce

Ray goes on to say, This is Really unlike Pattison to have mass terminations so this radio business must be really bad these days. Maybe that guy from Bell who said radio is not a viable business was right after all.


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