PSR’s 6pm Thursday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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FBI Warns Fast Moving Threats To Elections This Year, The [DS] System Is Being Dismantled – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

Are The Liberals Systemically Snuffing Out Democracy In Canada? by Brad Salzberg

Bix Weir – Before The Election The Country Will Be Hit With A Cyber Attack, Good Guys Are In Control

Neil Oliver: There’s a storm coming….

Mitch McConnell talks about voter fraud and how elections are stolen at all levels of government

Disciplinary hearing for BC doctor Charles Hoffe adjourned

James O’Keefe: Judge Arthur Engoron Tells James O’Keefe on hidden camera inside his Gym he gets “lots of hate mail” but he’s “strong”

Mitch McConnell wanted Julian Assange Dead, so did Mike Pompeo!



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