PSR’s 6pm Friday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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[DS] Fear Sets In, Stupid Moves Coming, Clock Has Started, Next 10 Days Be On Alert

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.
Suzanne Anton: B.C.’s ongoing vaccine mandates stand on a shaky legal foundation

Non-Identical Twins: How Trudeau And Singh Swindled Canadian Society

So I went to my federally-mandated appointment with my psychiatrist… Jon Rappoport

Ontario Man with a Massive Gaping Hole on the Side of His Face Struggles to Obtain Prompt Healthcare

Pennsylvania: State Raids Amish Organic Farm that Sells Raw Foods to Private Buyers

Is Israel Epstein Island 2.0!!!

It’s out. Let a scientist speak

An Invisible Threat Dangerous Microwaves

Chart of the Day (CotD) Uruguay Covid and Excess Deaths, Eldric Vero



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