PSR’s 6pm Tuesday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

We Should Change How The Supreme Court Of Canada Judges Are Selected, by Brian Peckford

Wondering What Independent BC Does?

Anti-White Political Agenda Thriving In Canadian Public Schools, by Brad Salzberg

Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs and who killed his Uncle

Putin just banned 5G in Russia, all towers to be dismantled

Torching of Lahaina an act of terrorism by the tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii

Teenagers dying suddenly in Australia, UK, Ireland – 16 recent deaths examined – how are COVID-19 vaccines killing teenagers?

Waiting to Die | Canada’s Health Care Crisis, by Aaron Gunn

President Trump is Just Getting Started! – ‘The Marshall Report’

Apple Valley Village Health Care Center saw >10X higher COVID death rates after COVID vax rollout. Isn’t it supposed to decrease rates?

Chart of the Day (CotD) World Covid and Canada CDR



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