PSR’s 6 o’clock Sunday Night News with the News You Should Know… Updated!!!


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[DS] Pushing War, Peacemaker, 2024 Election Will Not Be Rigged, The Clowns Are Losing – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’…

This lady tells Justin Trudeau

Trudeau Implements Plan To Destroy Independent Media in Canada, by Brad Salzberg

Meta Blocks Canadian Users’ News Access

Exit From The Matrix: Unlimited Power of Imagination, by Jon Rappoport

Chart of the Day (CotD) Canada Pension Plan Running on Fumes

Never Again – (Two Minute Version)

The Unveiling – The Plan and The Solution to Take Back BC

Not Even Death Is Simple… by Bruce O’Hara

Chinese Exclusion Act Recognition Replacing Canada Day Celebrations, by Brad Salzberg

Schools Teaching Kids To Sh!t and P!ss On Eachother & Drink Ass Semen In Canada!

Proof Canada Fires INTENTIONAL by Gov’t Arsonists! Plus mRNA & Baby Deformities Bombshell!

FloridaSharkman Parasite Protocol Overview

JPMorgan To Pay $290 Million In Epstein Settlement



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