PSR’s Saturday Afternoon News with the News You Should Know…


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[DS] Panics Over Election Fraud, Did Trump Just Send A Message? Patriots, It’s Your Time – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’…

Last interview with Dr. Rashid Buttar, a day before he was assassinated, by Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

The David Knight Show, with guest Dr. William Makis MD

Kevin McCarthy Speaks Out After Lawless FBI Improperly Used Warrantless Search Powers MORE THAN 278,000 Times in 2021 Following J6 Protests

Justice Gorsuch Slams COVID Emergency Powers: ‘Greatest Intrusions on Civil Liberties’ in ‘Peacetime History’

Was Dr. Rashid Buttar just assassinated to send a “loud and clear” message to anti-Covid vax physicians?!

Power Outside the Matrix: Human psychodrama on the world stage, by Jon Rappoport

Saturday in Broadcast History .. May 20th

Radio Mans fave with Jackson Browne

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