Scott Fee has left his position as News Director of CHEK-TV Victoria. It was 2005 when CHEK first called Scott to Victoria to become the new News Anchorman were he remained until leaving for Calgary in 2011, then becoming prime anchor at the Global station where he remained until 2019 when CHEK came a calling for him again, this time to move back to Victoria, and assume the news directors position, replacing Rob Germain, who moved up to General Manager of the Independent employee owned, but highly subsidized ($3Million minimum annually) tv station, by the Trudeau Liberal government.
We sent an email to Scott once we heard CHEK was looking for a new News Director, and he got back…
Hi Michael, thanks for reaching out.
I resigned in February. Time for a new adventure. Great shop, great people. Wish everyone the best.
I don’t think I’ll be announcing anything. Just quietly making a change. My goal is to remain based in Victoria, but life has a way of twisting and turning, so who knows .
It’s interesting that the station is receiving an annual 3 million dollar subsidy. Are other television and radi0 stations receiving a subsidy as well? What are the criteria for receiving the subsidy?
As far as the criteria to receive the subsidy, it’s a willingness to sell out principles and become a propaganda mouthpiece for GQ Trudeau, to echo what the CBC already says about him (basically, to kiss up to him, do puff pieces on him and ignore and cover up his many and increasing scandals while telling lies about and trashing his opposition). Such use of the subsidy, while not technically illegal (though it should be), is definitely unethical at best.
Congrats Scott on your second attempt to escape.
And please PSR, CHEK, since it was purchased from Global, has been employee-invested not employee-owned. Let’s correct that old canard. The majority owner is the Sampson family, they control a majority of the board of directors, employees have one director at the board table. The employee-owned myth may be convenient to use for sales or PR but is not true, never has been. The employees own approximately 5% of CHEK. In fact, there was probably a higher employee investment level in the 1980s when the majority owner of Western International Communications which owned CHEK, Arthur Griffith, offered all CHEK management and most of the on-air personalities a discount share purchase that was a sweetheart deal impossible to refuse.