Global Breaks Up with Gilmore


“Hi friends!,” Gilmore tweeted on Thursday.

“I’m heartbroken to share I have been laid off from Global News. I poured my heart and soul into the work I did alongside amazing colleagues, and I dealt with some horrifying backlash for it.”

“But I wouldn’t change a thing,” she added.

Courtesy of the Counter Connection

March 3, 2023

Gilmore regularly framed herself as a national hero while effectively serving as PR manager for the Trudeau Liberals.

She regularly talked about receiving hate mail, and would show anonymous accounts saying rude things to her.

“My work at Global News has led to threats against me, my friends, and my family. But I am so proud of myself — and so are they,” she said.

“I’m not sure what’s next. It’s a bit scary to be on my own, especially knowing how much hate is out there. But I know I’m not really alone.”

Earlier this year, Gilmore co-led a corporate media attack against Dr. Jordan Peterson, rallying up protesters to get his Ottawa speaking event canceled.

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  1. Gilmore got what she deserved for acting as a paid shill and flunky for GQ Trudeau. David Akin (another Trudeau shill) should be next on the chopping block.

  2. I don’t recall hearing or seeing Rachel Gilmore. Did she contribute to Global National? I do recall David Akin, though.


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