Liberals give CBC extra $42 million in economic update (On top of $1.4 Billion!)


by Cosmin Dzsurdzsa

True North News

November 6, 2022

Couched in the Liberal government’s 2022 Fall Economic Statement is a pledge to throw even more money at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Canadian taxpayers will be on the hook for $42 million more in CBC funding for so-called pandemic recovery funds. The funds will be distributed over two years costing $21 million annually.

Taxpayers already contribute $1.2 billion to the CBC each year.

The Liberals claim the funding is required to “offset revenue losses related to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.” However, the CBC was already struggling well before the pandemic.

Prior to the pandemic, CBC ad revenue shrunk by a whopping 53% when compared to 2014.

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  1. More money for a television service that no one watches. The radio service is not as good as it used to be, and this is not because of lack of funds. The French service, however, despite having “nationalist” tendencies, is interesting to watch and listen to. Both French radio and television have some intelligent programming.
    CBC English television should become a “PBS North” and provide intelligent programming. I would suggest BBC programs. At the moment, the CBC is simply a publicly-funded commercial broadcaster that supports wokism and the federal Liberal/NDP coalition.


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