PSR’s 6 o’clock Thursday Night News with the News behind the News and Much More…


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FBI Can No Longer Protect The Biden’s, Public Awareness Kills All Protections, DEFCon Ping – X22 Report

Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’

Lucki’s Phone Call Transcript Released by Keean Bexte

Investigations have began to see why 160 children died in the Philippines because of the Vacccine

Media Ignore Establishment Of Islamic Political Parties In Europe, by Brad Salzberg

Dr. William Makis – We’ve lost medical ethics in Canada, completely

Dr. Ladapo – CDC Did Not Attack The Study, They Attacked The Recommendation, Collusion

The UK Doctors Conference was a great success, now to Parliament today

The Alex Jones Trial, and My New Strategy, by Jon Rappoport

Dr. Testifies Under Oath Of Perjury That They Created Covid As A Bioweapon (New Video)



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