PSR’s 6 o’clock News with the News behind the News and Much More…


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Evidence Is Piling Up,“We Caught Them All”, Stealth Bomber Incoming, Sting Of The Century

Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots

“The Dead People Don’t Lie” – Left and Right, Healthcare Workers All Over the World Are Seeing Strange Things

Trudeau and Health Canada have been flat out lying in their assertions that Comirnaty is safe and effective.

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration

Trudeau’s OWN PARTY wants him to drop federal COVID mandates — why is he still clinging to them? Ezra Levant

RATH: Trudeau has separated Canada from Alberta

Bill Holter – A Parallel Economy Is Emerging Which Wreak Havoc On The [CB] System

Canada $18 billion short in defence spending


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