PSR’s 6 o’clock Friday News with the News behind the News and Much More…


Dave at X22 Report is taking today off, but the good news he will be back tomorrow night at six here on PSR.

in it’s place we feature Wednesday night’s Tucker Carlson show as he interviews former NHL player,Theo Fluery who has a word for all Canadians…

Click on the image below to view

Theo Fleury on Tucker Carlson Exposes Great Reset Tyranny in Canada

Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Vaccine Mandates “Imprisoning” Millions Of Canadians

Jim Willie: Turbo Cancer, Darwin Test, Idiots

Whistleblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

Federal ethics commissioner flooded with emails calling for investigation into WEF conspiracy

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh’s Unnatural Push For Abortion In Canada, by Brad Salzberg

The censorship trend, by Jon Rappoport



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