Vancouver musician Jerry Doucette dies following battle with cancer

Canadian rock legend Jerry Doucette (left) tunes his guitar prior to recording in this archive image from 2013. Doucette passed away on April 18 following a battle with cancer. PHOTO BY JASON PAYNE /Vancouver Sun

by Aleesha Harris

Vancouver Sun

April 19, 2022

Jerry Doucette, a Vancouver-based guitarist and songwriter best known for his Billboard Top 100 song from 1977 titled Mama Let Him Play, has died.

Doucette passed away Monday at the Irene Thomas Hospice in Delta following a battle with cancer. He was 70.

Born in Montreal, Doucette grew up in Hamilton, Ont., before moving to Vancouver in 1972. A guitar player since the age of six, Doucette played in several local bands, including The Seeds of Time and The Rocket Norton Band, before signing on as a solo act with the Vancouver-based independent record label Mushroom Records.

His band, Doucette, won the 1979 Juno for Most Promising Group of the Year.

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