Internet Censorship To Target Private Citizen Use On Websites, Social Media, Mass Emails


From sunny ways to dark clouds of neo-communism is the path for Canadian society as long as Justin Trudeau remains prime minister– and likely beyond.

by Brad Salzberg

Western News Watch

November 27, 2021

In June 2021, Liberal Party MP and Attorney General David Lametti introduced Bill C-36 to Parliament. It proposes amendments to the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code concerning hate speech.

These amendments would apply to public communications by individual users on the Internet, including on social media, on personal websites, and in mass emails. These amendments would not apply to operators of social media platforms.

What to say about such a circumstance? The ramifications are manifold. An erosion in freedom of speech is indisputable. While mainstream media has referenced as much, democracy-eroding manifestations remain unexplored.

Key among these is an ability for government to probe the private lives of Canadian citizens. “Its authority would include the ability to send inspectors into workplaces and homes in search for documents.”

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