Dr. Don Rose – KFRC-AM Radio Aircheck – Thanks to Bob Reynolds…


This 1978 video is the companion project to the one Mike Brinks and I did for Bill Craig in the Theatre Arts Radio Department at San José State University on Dr. Don Rose at KFRC. Field audio on this one was recorded by Glen Pensinger. The late Dr. Don and his engineer Steve Rude are seen throughout their daily shift on a rainy morning. For you techies, the original footage was recorded on open-reel EIAJ half inch videotape, transferred to two inch quad tape, and then edited quad to quad, where there was only one channel of audio. So, the voiceovers are rolling wild off of a quarter inch audio tape player of the post-show interview, which he graciously arranged to be recorded off of his mike, with his processing. Where there are tracks of the actual show feed, these came off of Dr. Don’s personal ¼ cassette recording, which he loaned to me. He uses this recording of just the parts of the show where his mike is on to document what jokes he tells




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