Fox News FALLOUT: Lou Dobbs retweets ‘Fox in a race to the bottom’


Bobby Eberle

104K subscribers

The abrupt cancellation of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” from the Fox News lineup comes as Fox News has taken a tremendous hit in the cable news ratings. In January, the Fox News Channel ranked below both CNN and MSNBC for the first time in in over twenty years. Lou Dobbs expressed his displeasure with FNC on Twitter through a series of not-so-friendly retweets. Who will be canceled next at Fox News? Lou Dobbs’ show was the hightest rated show on Fox Business Network, and now the show is gone. Is Maria Bartiromo safe? What about Jeanine Pirro? It appears that strong supporters of former President Trump are no longer welcome at Fox News


  1. “It appears that strong supporters of former President Trump are no longer welcome at Fox News”


    Audiences are no longer welcome either!

  2. So I am 100% confident the Bolsheviks are not going to win. This FAR LEFT WOKE communism is affecting “Everyone”. At some point a match will get lit and it will be on.

    One of the fallouts is going to be that because of technology and innovation, citizen journalists will cover much better and more accurate stories. And there will be NO Fox, CNN, Global or CTV news. They will be gone forever.

  3. Richard – the communists DO have a chance of winning here because they’ve adopted the Chinese model of buying off people with jobs and commerce so they will accept increasing tyranny as the Chinese do today. That’s why people in China largely sit on their hands while their neighbors are dragged off to jail for politics or religion, because they may lose their nice house or credit rating.

    YES it can happen in North America. YES people here today might be more willing than you think especially as they become more immoral, perverted, idolatrous and detached from reality (drink, drugs, spiritual darkness = recipe for tyranny and communist approved).

    It might also depress you to know that media no where on Earth has ever unseated a dictator.

    In fact, after the invention of the printing press Europe still lingered under despotic tyrants for centuries. Hitler, Stalin and Mao all utilized media (newspapers, radio, later for their successors – TV) to enforce their tyranny. Clearly today talk radio and the internet are not hindering leftist plans to dominate.

    Sorry to let you down but the bad news always seems to be worse than people today like to think.

  4. Peter
    Richard – the communists DO have a chance of winning here because they’ve adopted the Chinese model of buying off people with jobs and commerce

    Go get 100 people at random in 10 random cities in BC and ask them if they have been “bought off” by china. Only GOVT and Criminal Money Launderers – asians – have been bought off. Not regular people.

    Civil War has already started. Lines are being drawn. Boycotts are happening. The LIES of the FAKE VIRUS are being exposed. Depending on whether Govt backs down will depend on the severity of this war. I hope you people choose the right side.


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