Courtesy of the Times Colonist
by Carla Wilson
February 4, 2021
CTV News Vancouver Island’s weekend newscast appears to have been axed as part of Bell Media’s restructuring plan, which has cut jobs for more than 200 employees in Canada.
Alanna Kelly, who worked as a journalist and weekend anchor at CTV VI, tweeted on Wednesday: “I’m gutted to be part of this corporate restructuring after pouring myself into my work 24/7. “My time with Bell was short but I’m proud of my stories and the people they represented.”
Read More HERE
tY bell
Nothing new, Islanders may remember when CHUM pulled the plug on CIVI’s weekend newscasts in 2004. Bell brought it back almost a decade later, but it was prerecorded.
The sooner MSM collapses the better. MSM is just PR for the globalists. Bye Bye!!
It’s the easy way out for the pinheads in the east, usually at the employees expense
More fake news Jour-Nose fired.
But we are supposed to “BEELEEVE” everything these morons say about the fake virus, Trump, the Proud Boys the “peaceful protests” by the ACTUAL TERRORISTS BLM and ANTIFA….
Keep the firings going…..the world will be better for it.
Eventually doing a better job covering US news than Canadian news will eventually catch up with media outside of the CBC who will get their funding regardless.
We still have a problem when the parent company increases its dividend and cuts news simultaneously. Hopefully when the government comes up with a plan, it will favour the locally owned stations over the ones controlled by bean counters 5000km away.
Also, can site admin look at identifying the geo-location of some of these posters? I consider myself right-leaning but some of this is a bit much. A regional focus for conversation would probably be better for this site.
Ugh I shouldn’t feed the trolls but anyway. Anyone who knows how to Google can see that BCE isn’t in danger of not turning a profit. These layoffs are about greed (increasing the dividend), not about protecting your existing dividend. Anyone who knows how to google can also see research reports on the risks of de-regulating oligopolies, which you seem to be advocating for. Moron.