Cumulus Hosts Not Complying With Corporate Edict Against Falsely Claiming Election Was Not Legitimate


Courtesy of All Access

January 15, 2021

The memo from management to CUMULUS MEDIA talk hosts to stop spreading falsehoods about the presidential election is being roundly ignored by CUMULUS and WESTWOOD ONE hosts,

MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA, the watchdog group monitoring conservative media, followed up on CUMULUS VP BRIAN PHILIPS’ memo establishing a “zero-tolerance policy” against hosts claiming that the election was not over, and found several, both local and syndicated by CUMULUS’ WESTWOOD ONE, continuing to question JOE BIDEN’s victory even after the memo was allegedly distributed (which some, including MARK LEVIN, claim they never received).

Examples offered by MEDIA MATTERS include WESTWOOD ONE’s DAN BONGINO saying, “We had an election with unbelievably suspect behavior,” asserting that “we’ll continue” to “question the election,” and claiming that the election’s constitutionality is “still in dispute”; LEVIN insisting that election rule changes in swing states violated the Constitution, and saying, “What took place in this last election cannot be dismissed” and had “serious issues”; WESTWOOD ONE and THE DAILY WIRE’s MICHAEL KNOWLES calling the election “banana republic stuff ” and supporting Sen. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO)’s challenge to the results; WESTWOOD ONE’s CHRIS PLANTE calling for “60 MINUTES” to investigate “the many irregularities” in the election; and News-Talk WMAL-F/WASHINGTON’s LARRY O’CONNOR, News-Talk WJR-A/DETROIT’s FRANK BECKMANN, and News-Talk WWTN (SUPER TALK 99.5)/NASHVILLE’s MICHAEL DELGIORNO all saying in various ways that the election was tainted. All of the hosts continue on the air despite apparently violating the company’s zero-tolerance policy.

Source All ACCESS


  1. If Cumulus fired Mark Levin

    1. It would have to find a replacement host who would comply with the edict.
    2. It would have to pay off Mark Levin’s contract or face a protracted legal fight.
    3. The replacement show would not garner any ratings, reducing ad income.

  2. The pain to the FAR LEFT WOKE is coming soon. Joe China will NOT be president and all these FAKE NEWS media companies are going down.

  3. How’d that insurrection turn out, Richard?

    Storming the capitol looked like a lot of fun, hey?

    No consequences for the morons, who took part…?

    Rats are fleeing the ship, Richard

  4. Phil

    The news is starting to come out that this was a planned action with outside groups. Pipe bombs planted, no real police presence and videos of police and guards letting protestors in. On what planet does the mayor not prepare for hundreds of thousands of people marching on that day. Podcasters and a few independent news sources worked out the time line that Trump was still speaking when things started to heat up and bombs going off. CNN had a guy filming and known activist on their show and this guy has been arrested but let out on bail which is another oddity. And end result they are trying to pin another impeachment is ludicrous. Something is really stinky about this whole thing and now to see how they have checkpoint Charlies at the capitol and it looks more like a military zone for an inauguration that is virtual?? This whole event just doesn’t pass the smell test and the main stream media is silent.

  5. Phil
    How’d that insurrection turn out, Richard?

    It’s not the 20th yet PHIL……I guess you must be salivating at all the COMMUNIST executive orders Joe China wants sign huh? People like you are why the world sucks so bad right now…

  6. Phil

    If you have nothing to hide why would you NOT want to go into a presidency transparent? Phil you know the dems have contested the electoral votes 3 times over the last 20 years. Never mind recounts its audit the ballots. Even CNN was talking the evening of the election that Trump was headed to another 4 years and then counting stopped in the battleground states and boom a ballot dump and Joe is now leading. There is video, there is signed sworn affidavits with perjury the penalty and these court cases were not thrown out for lack of evidence but standing. And by the way the dems fought everyone of these court cases. Why? Because even Joe said he had the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud plan! The USA is an embarrassment to the world. On what planet do you not need voter ID? They are a banana republic and the dems might as well be the Soprano family. This election was stolen and those dirty politicians on both sides of the aisle won’t worry as they line their pockets.


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