Harvey Oberfeld on The Goddard Report


talkdigitalnetwork 7.9K subscribers

Few reporters willing or able to ask tough questions

Guest’s website: http://harveyoberfeld.ca/blog/

Produced by https://www.HoweStreet.com


  1. Fantastic interview with Harvey by Jim Goddard. He nailed every point. I especially liked the parts where he said how the FAKE NEWS only hires far left woke (my words) KIDS who have no idea what they are doing and just do what they Bolshevik masters – like Griffin – tell them to do.

  2. OK I am going to cut Harvey some slack. In fact, to revert to the parlance of my formative 70’s era and say that Harv may be one of the ‘Buds. If he entered a room, we would all yell out: “Hey, it’s the Harv-Meister”


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