Chuck’s Classics, featuring Elton John


Crocodile Rock

As a man in his ’70’s, Elton John continues to sell out performances world-wide. Elton has had singles on the charts right up to 2013. He started out in England in 1962. In 1972 he had a big hit in Crocodile Rock.
Elton John

Chuck Benson – Started his broadcast career in 1960 as a writer at CKYL, Peace River, AB, where in 1965 he won the Gold Leaf Award (now called the Juno) for Top Disc Jockey for Canada. From there, a brief stint at CFRN, Edmonton, AB as Promotions Manager for AM/FM Radio. Then in ’62 helped open CKNL Fort St. John, BC. In ’68 Chuck and two others (Ernie Mushtuk and Ernie Mykyte) started up Yellowhead Broadcasting Ltd out of Edson, AB, eventually ending up with satellites in Grande Cache, Jasper, Whitecourt and Hinton, AB. He sold his interests and moved to Vancouver, ending up with CFVR, Abbotsford as General Sales Manager, then Manager of CHPQ, Parksville, and eventually as a Sales Consultant with CIGV-FM in Penticton. Chuck is retired from broadcasting and living with his wife in Parksville on an island in the Pacific


  1. Major Talent !

    Looking at people like EJ, Def Leppard, and so many more hugely talented musicians that appear on these pages it makes me wonder greatly how youngish people can buy into the Rap – Hip Hope Culture and music .

    How could anyone consider that the Hip Hop Culture and Music that encourages Drug use, abuse and disrespect of women, anti police behavior, assault, and other civil disobedience .

    Where are the parents ?

    Hell, where was “God Like” Barack Obama and his Hypocrite Wife when they were in the white House, they could have spoken out against Hip Hop Culture and in defense of women, speak out against drugs, encourage young people to stay in school, no babies out of wedlock, obey the law, and all of the rest of cultural norms .

    Instead they wasted a Golden Opportunity and their lack of caring has caused great suffering in the lives of many young people .

    A Huge Opportunity Lost !!

    BTW – Where have the so called “Women’s Rights Groups” been on this most important subject ?

    Where have Educators been on this ?

    come on Terry, Ron, Lance, and Broadcast Babe, chime in with your support for my commentary .

  2. As good as Crocodile Rock is, for me Funeral for a Friend-Love Lies Bleeding is my most-loved Elton John tune. Saturday Nights Alright for Fighing as a close second, and All The Young Girls Love Alice a third.


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