Parler Sees Major Growth Boom as Big Tech Continues to Censor and Suppress Election News — Nearly 5M New Users Since Friday


By Cassandra Fairbanks

The Gateway Pundit

November 11, 2020

Twitter competitor Parler  has seen a massive boom in users as Big Tech continues to censor and suppress election related news that is unfavorable to Joe Biden.

Following the election, Parler, which describes itself as a “non-biased, free speech” platform, surged to the top of the Google and Apple App Stores.

“People from all walks of life, fed up with opaque, biased content curation, inconsistent agenda-driven fact checking, and manipulative algorithms built on data mining, are joining Parler to speak free. Since Friday, over 4.5 million new people have created accounts, and engagement has surged. Over 5 million individuals were active on Parler yesterday, an 8-fold increase from daily activity just a week ago. Our session activity has increased by well over 20 times during the same period,” Parler CEO John Matze said in a statement.

Read More HERE

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  1. I am going to take a serious look at Parler, I hope it is a good alternative to unfair PCSJW Liberal Social Media .

    Do not want Parler to be biased towards Conservatives, just want a fair and balanced media outlet that offers an alternative to the rest .

    I wish them luck !

  2. I gave up on Facebook a long time ago; I had to give up on Twitter when they censored my re-tweet about transit from an article published in the Edmonton Journal. I know that the Journal is a leftist communist rag, but even I was offended when Twitter would not let me re-tweet this article. I find it incomprehensible that a bus is offensive. Even if they only run every 60 minutes.

  3. Parler is controlled opposition in my view. Still lots of censorship.

    I have been on GAB since they were taking emails for initial openings. No censorship except for the obvious Fed-posting variety, plenty of people to exchange ideas with and all the offensive material you could find offence with if you are that type of person and unable to switch the channel off, if you will.

    GAB is a source of “actionable material” similar to Vox Popoli. (and a hat tip to X22)

  4. And GUESS WHOM has been tallying the FAKE FRAUD cases cases cases of COVID. Wait for it….

    Dominion Voting Systems. Imagine my shock. Once Trump takes down the Democrats and the Bolsheviks ……the Fake News, Big Tech and the Swamp….is finished. This is going to be the biggest take down the world has ever seen. Trump will be known the greatest President in the world for centuries.


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